Designing with Country: the Framework

From Human-Centred to Country-Centred Design.

CoDesign + Sheldon’s values and ethos aligns with the NSW Government Architect’s Connecting with Country Framework and its commitment that: “All NSW built environment projects will be developed with a Country-centred approach guided by Aboriginal people, who know that if we care for Country, Country will care for us."

This sentiment is reiterated by our CEO Richard Swain: “Country is the soil, the water and the species that evolved here.

Our aim is to change the building industry to be environmentally friendly and sustainable; and in doing so heal Country, restore species, and restore landscapes.

We need to find common ground between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people on the importance of caring for Country, as we all have a relationship to Country and need to work together to heal it.”

The government framework states that: “Taking a Country-centred approach can present spatial design opportunities that improve the functional design of projects and reinforce a connection with Country.

There are a range of spatial opportunities for built environment design to strengthen connections to Earth, Water and Sky Country.”

Ways in which the Designing with Country framework can be incorporated into interior design and office fitout projects include:

• Use sustainable materials that have a low impact on Country, and are locally sourced.

• Learn about the Country you are on and the First Nations map of Australia.

Integrate Indigenous language use and first placenames.

Connect to the broader landscape: look beyond boundaries of a project site, consider the site in relation to surrounding landforms and waterways.

Provide physical and visual connections to external spaces that respond to cultural landscapes and understanding of Country – including openable walls and high-level windows that enable views to the sky.

• Promote and respect Aboriginal cultural heritage of a site.

• Make spaces that are welcoming, accessible and culturally safe.

Materials, textures and colours can also be inspired by the Country where projects are located.


Regenerating Country through sustainable office design and construction


CoDesign + Sheldon at Supply Nation’s Connect 2024